divendres, 4 de desembre del 2009

Doctor Who

Doctor who is one of my favorite TV shows, I discovered this show thanks to a friend who is a Doctor Who freak. At first I just felt interested, but after a few episodes I started to love it. The show is about The Doctor, a man who can travel in time and space with a strange spaceship (looks like a 50' police call box, but it's enormous inside) called TARDIS. This man comes from a planet called Gallifrey, Time Lords planet (he's a Time Lord too). He's around 900 years old, but he looks young and healthy because Time Lords are immortal. I think I love this show because it's very original, The Doctor fights against evil around time and space but he never uses violence, he always uses his mind (he's a genious) to defeat his terrible enemies (such as the Daleks, a very xenophobic and dangerous race).

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