The Berlin wall was build by eastern Germany (German Democratic Republic or GDR) after the end of World War II, at 1961 during the cold war.
2. Why was the wall built?
Berlin wall was built in order to stop people emigrating to western Germany.
3. How long was the wall? (Find a map)
The wall was 155 km long.
4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009?
The fall of Berlin Wall.
5. What is the present situation of this wall?
Some parts still remains, and some sections (like the one at liberty plaza) are used as a memorial.
6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, Physically or mentally?
Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc.
There are certain walls that can separate people such as skin color or ethnic, political throughs, religion, culture...
There are many examples that can justify those facts such as religious wars like the crusades or american slavery wich lasted from 1654 until 1865.